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Services Provider

International Billing and Business Services, LLC dba Billing and Business


Operations Manager


40 hours / week (minimum)


40 hours / week (minimum)


$122,013/yr (The employer will pay or exceed the prevailing wage, as determined by the U.S. Department of Labor.)


International Billing and Business Services LLC is an Oregon based company that specializes in medical insurance processing, billing, medical record services, and financial accounting services for commercial companies. As such, we need a specialized and trained Operations Manager to manage and plan our company strategies.  Due to the highly specialized and highly regulated nature of the position, the Operations Manager has the important task of overseeing operational staff (who are mostly located in Thailand and primarily communicate in Thai language) and ensuring the best possible services to the Company’s clients.

Specifically, the Operations Manager has the following duties:

  1. Responsible for company operations by maintaining office systems and supervising staff who primarily communicate Thai language (written and oral communication);

  2. Responsible for leading the Company’s U.S. marketing campaigns;

  3. Keeping up to date regarding industry trends and regulations in order to properly train staff and/or ensure correct services are being rendered to clients; 

  4. Maintaining office efficiency by planning layouts and installing equipment;

  5. Monitoring office staff job results by coaching, counseling, planning, and appraising job results;

  6. Managing and working closely with operational staff;

  7. Ensuring that the quality of services rendered is superb by directing staff, interacting directly with clients, and overseeing final work product; 

  8. Coordinating with the CEO to effectively achieve company goals;

  9. Establishing and enforcing office policies, procedures, and work flow; 

  10. Preparing and setting budgets for presentation to the CEO; and

  11. Business strategy planning to promote the advancement of the business internationally.

REQUIREMENTS:  Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration (foreign education equivalent accepted) plus five years of experience in any position in the business administration field, and fluency in Thai.

TO APPLY:  Please send your resume to International Billing and Business Services, LLC dba Billing and Business Services Provider 2189 Equestrian Loop S. Salem, OR 97302

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